
The optimal way of creating memory model in VHDL

During the development of a block communicating with an external chip, a behavioral model of this device can be very helpful. Sometimes such model can be found online, but often we need to create it ourselves. One type of external chip frequently connected to the FPGA is some kind of volatile or non-volatile memory. Unfortunately, in VHDL it is often implemented not optimally.

Prevent Tcl command printing every result

Many of the development tools, such as HDL simulators support Tcl commands in order to automate the designer’s workflow. It’s a very powerful and widely used tool; however sooner or later some of the Tcl’s features may become irritating. Like the default behavior of printing/echoing the result of of the command. Fortunately this can be easily fixed.

GitLab Runner on QNAP NAS

QNAP is a popular brand of NAS devices. But it can be made more useful in many ways than just a network drive. Programmers, engineers and such can enable GitLab service via Container Station. That’s quite OK, but what if we want to put our QNAP NAS to actual work and maybe even earn for itself? Apart from the GitLab app, we can also enable GitLab Runner service which will enable the CI/CD (Continuous integration & Continuous Delivery).