Design, implementation, integration and verification of a set of features for multiple power generators connection. The system enables synchronization of multiple independent devices (or outputs) or allows to achieve results similar to single higher power supply or a combination of both. Implemented as additional functionality to existing configurable plasma power supply control system architecture.
Language | VHDL |
Tools | ModelSim, Quartus Prime |
Target | Intel Cyclone V |
Time frame | 12.2017 – 07.2019 |
Commercial | ✔ |
Collaboration | TRUMPF Huettinger |
Achievable effects
- Simulated behavior of a single power supply – i.e. combine 2 X nominal power devices (or outputs) and 1 Y nominal power device (or outputs) into a single system with 2X+Y power in total
- Independent power supplies synchronization – each device (or output) works independently (separate set of parameters) but synchronized with each other, with requested phase shift
- A combination of two previous ones – i.e. two pairs of simulated single power supplies with each pair synchronized
Additional features
- Support for any number of devices with different number of outputs and different nominal power
- All of the connected devices, or a selected number of them, can update the working parameters (i.e. frequency) at the same time during operation
- Support for single-output and multi-output devices
- Support for internal (selected outputs of the same device), external (selected outputs of different devices), and mixed operation
- Reliable cable connection between devices
- Compatible microprocessor operation – ensuring correct parameters