Dual port SRAM memory model with faults simulation

Generic, behavioral, dual-port memory model design with delay and functional SRAM faults simulation. Developed in order to verify the implemented Memory Built-In Self Test (MBIST) block – created for Static-Random Access Memories verification. Implemented in Verilog HDL.

Targetnone – behavioral model for MBIST verification
Time frame12.2017 – 02.2019

Selected features of the implemented SRAM model

Schematic diagram of the SRAM model architecture
  • 2 parallel read and write ports
  • Random read and write access delays simulation – to simulate various connection types
  • Implemented 83 different SRAM fault primitives: 27 single-cell and 56 multi-cell.
  • Easy to implement additional fault models – including for other memory types
  • Physical memory state visualization – including number of words in a single row of memory cells

Configurable parameters

  • Address port width – influence maximum memory depth
  • Data port width – influence memory word width
  • Physical memory architecture – number of words in a single row of memory cells
  • Maximum operation delay – both read and write
  • Maximum number of simultaneous simulated memory faults models
  • Enable or disable memory fault models simulation
  • Memory address space definition
  • Number of simulated fault models of a given type
  • Victim cell position: random or manually selected
  • Aggressor cell position: random or manually selected one of victim neighboring cells
  • Maximum data retention time in – for DRF fault model

Implemented SRAM fault models:

#Fault model Fault model nameFault primitive
1SAFStuck-at fault< ∀/0/− >, < ∀/1/− >
2TFTransition fault< w ↑ /0/− >, < w ↓ /1/− >
3RDFRead destructive fault< r0/ ↑ /1 >, < r1/ ↓ /0 >
4DRDFDeceptive read destructive fault< r0/ ↑ /0 >, < r1/ ↓ /1 >
5IRFIncorrect read fault< r0/0/1 >, < r1/1/0 >
6RRFRandom read fault< r0/0/? >, < r1/1/? >
7DRFData retention fault< 1T / ↓ /− >, < 0T / ↑ /− >,
< 1T/?/− >,< 0T/?/− >
8NAFNo access fault{< w ↑ /0/− >, < w ↓ /1/− >,
< r0/0/? >, < r1/1/? >}
9USFUndefined state fault< w0/?/− >, < w1/?/− >,
< r0/?/? >, < r1/?/? >
10CFdsDisturb coupling fault< wx; 0/ ↑ /− >, < wx; 1/ ↓ /− >,
< rx; 0/ ↑ /− >, < rx; 1/ ↓ /− >
11CFstState coupling fault< 1; 1/0/− >, < 1; 0/1/− >,
< 0;1/0/− >,< 0;0/1/− >
12CFirIncorrect read coupling fault< 0; r0/0/1 >, < 0; r1/1/0 >,
< 1; r0/0/1 >, < 1; r1/1/0 >
13CFrrRandom read coupling fault< 0; r0/0/? >, < 0; r1/1/? >,
< 1; r0/0/? >, < 1; r1/1/? >
14CFdrDeceptive read destructive coupling fault< 0; r0/ ↑ /0 >, < 0; r1/ ↓ /1 >,
< 1; r0/ ↑ /0 >, < 1; r1/ ↓ /1 >
15CFrdRead destructive coupling fault< 0; r0/ ↑ /1 >, < 0; r1/ ↓ /0 >,
< 1; r0/ ↑ /1 >, < 1; r1/ ↓ /0 >
16CFtrTransition coupling fault< 0; w ↓ /1/− >, < 0; w ↑ /0/− >,
< 1; w ↓ /1/− >, < 1; w ↑ /0/− >
17wDRDF&wDRDFWeak deceptive read destructive fault &
weak deceptive read destructive fault
< r0 : r0/ ↑ /0 >,
< r1 : r1/ ↓ /1 >
18wRDF&wRDFWeak read destructive fault &
weak read destructive fault
< r0 : r0/ ↑ /1 >,
< r1 : r1/ ↓ /0 >
19wRDF&wTFWeak read destructive fault &
weak transition fault
< r0 : w ↑ /0/− >,
< r1 : w ↓ /1/− >
20wCFds&wCFdsWeak disturb coupling fault &
weak disturb coupling fault
< w0 : rd; 0/ ↑ /− >, < w0 : rd; 1/ ↓ /− >,
< w1 : rd; 0/ ↑ /− >, < w1 : rd; 1/ ↓ /− >,
< r0 : r0; 0/ ↑ /− >, < r0 : r0; 1/ ↓ /− >,
< r1 : r1; 0/ ↑ /− >, < r1 : r1; 1/ ↓ /− >
21wCFdr&wDRDFWeak deceptive read destructive coupling fault &
weak deceptive read destructive fault
< 0; r0 : r0/ ↑ /0 >, < 0; r1 : r1/ ↓ /1 >,
< 1; r0 : r0/ ↑ /0 >, < 1; r1 : r1/ ↓ /1 >
22wCFrd&wRDFWeak read destructive coupling fault &
weak read destructive fault
< 0; r0 : r0/ ↑ /1 >, < 0; r1 : r1/ ↓ /0 >,
< 1; r0 : r0/ ↑ /1 >, < 1; r1 : r1/ ↓ /0 >
23wCFds&wRDFWeak disturb coupling fault &
weak read destructive fault
< w0 : r0/ ↑ /1 >, < w0 : r1/ ↓ /0 >,
< w1 : r0/ ↑ /1 >, < w1 : r1/ ↓ /0 >
24wCFds&wIRFWeak disturb coupling fault &
weak incorrect read fault
< w0 : r0/0/1 >, < w0 : r1/1/0 >,
< w1 : r0/0/1 >, < w1 : r1/1/0 >
25wCFds&wRRFWeak disturb coupling fault &
weak random read fault
< w0 : r0/0/? >, < w0 : r1/1/? >,
< w1 : r0/0/? >, < w1 : r1/1/? >


  • A. A. Wojciechowski, K. Marcinek and W. A. Pleskacz, „Configurable MBIST Processor for Embedded Memories Testing,” 2019 MIXDES – 26th International Conference „Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems”, Rzeszów, Poland, 2019, pp. 341-344.
  • Said Hamdioui, J. van de Goor, “Efficient Tests for Realistic Faults in Dual-Port SRAMs,” IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTERS, vol. 51, no. 5, 2002.
  • Said Hamdioui, Testing Static Random Access Memories: Defects, Fault Models and Test Patterns. Springer Science+Business Media, LCC, 2004.